Literacy for discerning fake and real digital citizenship: effectice digital media

„Literacy for discerning fake and real digital citizenship: effectice digital media“ is the Erasmus+ strategic partnership project (2022-2-PL01-KA210-ADU-000093364) for 3 partners from Poland, Estonia and Turkey.

DIGISHIP project is a response to the need to integrate critical thinking, information evaluation and media literacy as some of the top skills for the 21st century into adult educational systems. It is addressed to learners and educators.

Adult workers today are working in an area where digital media competences have become a prerequisite to ensure high quality adult work. These competences are, for most of the adult workers, not acquired during their education. There is a need for programs that support them to become more media-literate. The project will create a flexible learning offer for adult educators - the gatekeepers of adult education - to improve their media literacy competences , and to transmit these skills to adults they work for / with.

Through the DIGISHIP Erasmus+ project adult educators will be able to build their awareness of the challenges and opportunities that seniors face online, to explore strategies for engaging in their digital lives and empowering them to use technology in a stronger, smarter, and safer way.

DIGISHIP project is complementary to the declaration of European Commission. The exposure of citizens to large scale disinformation, including misleading or outright false information, is a challenge for Europe.


*Educate and support educator's /trainer's working in the field of adult education acquisition of media literacy competences by developing learning resources and innovative tools using non-formal education.

*Empower adult learner's capacity to use media literacy strategies for spotting fake news, and make responsible choices about the world of news around them.

*Inspire adult trainers and adult education organizations to integrate the strategic use of ICT tools and open-source software in adult education, training and adult systems to combat disinformation and fake news.

*Enhance adult trainers and learners’ skills such as critical thinking, communication, and digital skills, with the use of innovative digital tools and resources.

Results we would like to realise are as follows:

*DIGISHIP MEDIA LITERACY LEARNING MATERIAL: 12 media literacy topics, 24 bite videos and 24 easy to read & understand presentations supported with online quizzes & games.

*FRAMEWORK OF DIGITAL SECURITY COMPETENCES: This result aims to support the project in building the digital capacity of senior citizens to recognise and proactively adapt to digital security threats and scams, and to lay the foundations for the implementation and uptake of targeted digital security policies at European level.



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