Digitalization for in groups integrative training - international network for support, connection, innovation and know-how share in digital vocational education is Erasmus+ strategic partnership project for the Vocational Education and Training (2021-2023).

This project brings together 10 partners: 4 NGOs, 1 SME, 1 SE, 4 VET schools and 14 associated partners - VET schools with the common interest to support disadvantaged learners for best integration in the digital society. They are solving problems coming from the lack of digital skills of learners and lack of digital solutions for teachers/trainers. The remote education experienced during Covid crisis increased the inequalities between students with different educational needs and backgrounds. The number of students at risk of social marginalization and school drop-out increased. Project partners offer more flexible and attractive training programs that are more easily accessed directly or from a distance and integrated into each student/trainee path of professionalization to prevent school dump and to help schools to integrate in European Educational Space by internationalization.

Objectives are:

1. To increase the number of VET teachers and learners from partners schools participating in the international remote teaching/training by improvement of training offers and use of innovative and integrative team-learning digital support.
2. To decrease the number of learners from partner schools at risk of school dump with low level of skills and social exclusion by offer them tailored remedial lessons, increase their digital skills, use of innovative training methods based on integrative team-learning.
3. To increase international dimension of participant schools by adding accessible and transferable digital courses/modules in their curricula, and give solutions for mutual recognition of skills acquired in international contexts.

Target groups are:

1.VET teachers and trainers from inclusive schools to receive innovative tools for on-line teaching and training tailored to special students needs and adequate to different training domains.
2.VET students and trainees with low digital skills to receive training to use on-line teaching/training instruments and offers.

Project results:

DIGIT+ interactive platform is technical support for training, evaluation and built learning interactive spaces. It contains curriculum and evaluation instruments for teachers in order to make them able to use innovative methods and practices for adaptation of remote teaching to students needs, to inshore equal opportunities for disadvantaged students.
Partners created curriculum and 7 training modules deliverable in digital format, Guide for digital learning which helps teachers to create better digital lessons, DIGIT STEPS courses for students, International counselling&guidance to support network and sustain international digital education and achievements, Guide for managing burnout in digital education and Guide for creation of transferable learning modules/courses/units for the integration of learning outcomes from abroad and learning experiences into main path VET schools internationalization.

Project results can be easy transferred, recognized and integrated in the internationalized professionalization path. Training for improvement of basic and advanced digital skills was offered to students/trainees directly in pilot course.

DIGIT+ platform

DIGIT+ flyer

Facebook page:

Facebook group:

This project has been founded with support from the European Commission by Erasmus+ Programme. This publication reflects the views only of the author and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Contacts: Karberi 33-76, 13919 Tallinn, Estonia                    tel:  +372 6 355 697                    e-mail:                   
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