the assistance of the European Union. The contents
of this website are the sole responsibility of Eesti People to People
and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.
"Enhancing policy coherence:
making development work better"
DCI-NSA ED/2008/154-226,
co-financed by the European Commission.
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„Open doors“ project will address the raise of phobia of refugees and migrants and the scape-goating of newcomers as if they would be the reason for the economic crises, leading to discrimination, stigmatisation and hate crimes.

The aims of the project are to explore the current situation in Estonia and Iceland and to develop training methods in order to train adult educators who will be the trainers for newcomers in our societies and advocate for migrants rights and against intolerance in local communities. Project partners – Eesti People to People from Estonia and Viska from Iceland – will work together with adult education organisations, media, local communities, local and international level politicians to improve conditions of newcomers and vulnerable groups.

The objectives of the project are:

• sharing experience, knowledge and know-how in LLP between Eesti People to People and Viska with focus on foreign adult learners;

• joint discussions of practices for new trainings for foreign adult learners and particularly for asylum seekers and refugees for their better integration to the local community, process of mentoring, volunteers assitance and monitoring process;

• analysis and discussions of the different borders raised for refugees in order to come to strategies and to counter them by focusing on the political, social and economical situation of migrants, refugees, and minorities and analyse the threats and dangers they encounter on a daily basis, from discrimination, legal problems and lack of social security;

• discussion of the current mindset and developing of the methods and tools how to change the current mindset of NGO workers, civil society actors, media representatives, and decision-makers;

• influence public opinion about asylum seekers and refugees using mainstream and social media;

• develop new joint Erasmus+ strategic partnership project for adult education staff members.

Eesti People to People member will visit Iceland, Westman island, on February 22-26, 2016 to learn experiences of Viska trainings with foreign workers. Partners will also discuss strategy on how to get involved in European cooperation, as a follow-up they will apply with few other partners for Erasmus+ strategic partnership project.

The results are that by the end of the project

• staff members of both partners organisations will become aware about the best practices in LLP for foreign adult learners;

• representatives of two organisations will compile a list of qualities and characteristics for future projects they will have in common, including a focus on youth involvement, media coverage, ensuring a wide reach-out, use of personal contacts, involvement of local authorities, and an educational and awareness-raising element of vulnerable groups;

• after the meeting in Iceland both partners’ organisations will translate these features into actual activities locally in a form of workshops, meetings with minorities’ representatives, discussions with local authorities, the specific attention will be given to education and training to build the capacity of these groups;

• the results of these activities will be disseminated via mainstream and social media, publications and events to increase public awareness in Estonia and Iceland toward asylum seekers, refugees and other newcomers.

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Contacts:                     Kärberi 33-76, 13919 Tallinn, Estonia                    tel:  +372 6 355 697                    e-mail:                   
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